Guardamar del Segura, Alicante

I want to chat with new guys, make friends and be able to meet up. I don´t like hiding behind an internet profile, I like to make friends, of course, talk and then meet up. I´m single and I have friends and family but I would like to make new friends. I don´t party so I don´t meet new people that way.

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Umm, nos hacemos amigos?
Almería, Almería

Umm, shall we become friends?

I would like to make friends with a handsome, interesting boy with a topic of conversation and a good hand in bed. I don´t want a partner. I don´t believe in idyllic and beautiful love stories. I don´t believe in all that. affair. Oh and also to be good friends and be able to trust each other of course.
Me gusta hacer amigos y llegar a algo más
Oviedo, Asturias

I like to make friends and achieve something more

I am Ainhoa, I like to make friends and be able to become something more, which will be seen. I like to be a good hostess when I receive visitors at home. I love summer to organize parties and I love enjoying my people. I love to celebrate everything, and if no one organizes it, I always do it, and I am professionally dedicated to it.
Nos hacemos
Tarragona, Tarragona

Do we become "friends"?

I would like to make friends without commitment to have fun. I like to play sports (but in a fun way heh heh) I like to go out for a drink, dance, read, well boy, it´s normal, you understand what I mean. I am single and very happy, I am in the best stage of my life. You dare?
Hola! Me gustaría hacer amigos
Girona, Girona

Hello! I would like to make friends

Hello! I would like to make friends, it is a little difficult for me to socialize and I try to get out of my comfort zone
La pasión por delante
Salamanca, Salamanca

The passion ahead

I am passionate, I like sex but I also like to have friends, I like to make friends, have a drink, go to the movies, plans that can be made by being simple friends or friends with benefits without having to be a couple.
Amigos en el cielo y en el infierno
Fuendejalón, Zaragoza

Friends in heaven and hell

I like to make friends and as I say, friends in heaven and hell always. I am also open to everything else without hesitation and with guys who give me reality and sincerity. Don´t sell me what you´re not, it won´t work with me.
Me gustaría hacer amigos y después profundizar
Olula del Río, Almería

I would like to make friends and then go deeper

I would love to go deeper with someone but I know that first we would have to make a good friendship and we´ll see. Sometimes I don´t rush and I get impatient and I have to remind myself to slow down. In part, I could use someone who is the opposite to see if he can change that impatient streak that I have that sometimes causes me bad tricks.
Amigos amigos
Benidorm, Alicante


I would like to make friends and then go see but I would like to make real friends because I am very much one of those who believe that starting out as friends is the most important thing we can have to forge other types of relationships. I hardly ever argue but when I argue let´s hold on because that means you´ve done something to me and I´ve reached my limit.
Busco hacer amigos nuevos
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

I´m looking to make new friends

I like to make new friends and if I can something sporadic with someone better. Don´t think that I´m of no use, just that I make friends and if I can with someone, you already know that it´s great. If not, then stay as friends, well, I almost feel like it too.
Tengo serios problemas para encajar
Zamora, Zamora

I have serious problems fitting in

It´s hard for me to fit in because my faces give me away and I don´t know how to be fake or hide when a person is lying to me... But that makes me feel bad, because people are very fake and they give you a good face and then they criticize you. I would like to find a partner. In that sense, I have been alone for a long time and I would like to be in a relationship. I clarify that I have great friends but it is difficult for me to fit into new groups.

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