Indira cithana
Cuba City, Wisconsin

I am looking for a person, it is important that he be very respectful and create a friendship and then what can arise

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Bilbao, Vizcaya

Important data

I would like to meet someone sincerely. For me something important is knowing your age, your personality, how you like women, well the typical thing of course, but for me all of that is very important. I also like that they ask me questions and are not afraid to do so as long as we are respectful.
Relación seria, para esto
Elche, Alicante

Serious relationship

I like erotic boys to go out and hesitate jjjj but not for a serious relationship, for this, I prefer a normal and ordinary boy, with whom I get along well, this is very important, I am a very erotic girl and also very close , I have those two little things that you guys love a lot.
Soy madre soltera
Ávila, Ávila

I am a single mother

I am a single mother but I am not looking for a father, I am looking for a stable relationship but I am not looking for a father for my daughter. I have stability in all aspects except love and now it is one of my priorities to find love. I am simple, I am above all very very natural and I look for that in a boy because for me it is very important
Mari Carmen
Estoy casada y cansada
Ávila, Ávila

I´m married and tired

I am married and too tired of my marriage although I will remedy that soon. I really want to meet someone fiery and ardent so I can have what I no longer want at home. I am very sexual but my marriage is very very dead and there is no way to take it anymore but sex for me is very important and I need it
Confía en mí y lo pasarás genial
Gijón, Asturias

Trust me and you will have a great time

I like to give confidence to everyone because it is very important to me that they trust me. I have always been and will be and of course I am a very respectful woman, I respect everyone´s way of behaving, I do not allow myself to be influenced by anyone and that is how I manage to be very happy and live my life as I really want to live it. I don´t have any complexes because I am who I am and I like myself.
Busco equilibrio sentimental
Deltebre, Tarragona

I am looking for sentimental balance

Sometimes they tell me that I´m very mystical and stuff because I talk about mental balance and things like that, but hey, I consider myself normal. I am looking for a stable relationship because, as I always say, sentimental balance is very, very important to me. I am 26 years old and I do not consider myself young to fall in love.
Lo reconozco me gusta el chisme
Salamanca, Salamanca

I admit it, I like gossip

Wow, I´m very gossipy hahaha I like gossip but as long as it´s not very important things when it´s a secret I´m a tomb and I don´t want to be told either but if it´s normal things... I love it!!! Well, I´m looking for you who are only looking for friendship and sex and who don´t want complications in your life.
Eres discreto?
Reus, Tarragona

Are you discreet?

I like discretion, I´m married, I´m good at divorce proceedings and that´s why it´s important to look for someone who is discreet and really discreet. They´ve already failed me once and they almost caught me, so well, I´m looking for a discreet, very morbid and very tough lover who be sexually very participative in bed active well you know....
Con o sin masajes
San Joan d´Alacant, Alicante

With or without massages

I´m looking for a stable and very sexual relationship with or without massages, it doesn´t matter to me hahaha that everyone offers them to me all the time and I don´t know why hahaha they are so important? Well, what I´m going for is that I´m looking for a stable relationship but hopefully with a lot of sex always because passion is very important as much as love.
amistad y lo que surja, honesto
Narón, A Coruña

friendship and whatever comes next

Hello, I have gone through several pages, without much success... a lot of loose and horny things... I am looking for something more serious... a relationship, with someone good, honest, hard-working and who is very good in bed (for me, sex, It is very important in a relationship) but the only thing... whenever you want, we have a drink and get to know each other.

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