Alicante, Alicante

I long to get home from work and have my love waiting for me or for him to arrive and I be waiting for him. I love making romantic plans or doing nothing, staying at home watching a movie... I´ve been single for 3 years, I´ve been living alone and I´m not going to lie to you, I have moments of great depression in that sense... I don´t want any more affairs and I gave up sex until the love of my life appears.

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Se puede decir que estamos enamorados cuando nos damos cuenta que la otra persona es única
Barcelona, Barcelona

It can be said that we are in love when we realize that the other person is unique.

Every desire or desire automatically ends when it is achieved: it dies when it finds satisfaction. Love, on the contrary, is eternally unsatisfied. I don´t want to give you my heart because the heart stops. I want to give you something more eternal forever, my soul. Yes, I believe in relationships forever when there is trust, communication, sex cannot become routine. If there is love and you are looking to do new things, the important thing is to keep falling in love like the first time so that the details of the heart are never lost.
Compartir mi soledad
Valdeganga, Albacete

Share my loneliness

Hello, I am , I am 48 years old and I have separated now, ... I am having a very bad time and I need to have a confidant friend with whom to share my loneliness, someone who has gone through the same thing or who simply wants to tell me or who simply You want to listen to me because the truth is that I have closed myself off a bit in my solitude and I am not having a good time. I would like to be able to talk to someone who can give me good advice and make me smile again, even for a moment, that moment that I long for so much now.
La vida es muy corta y estoy aquí para disfrutarla.
Tarragona, Tarragona

Life is very short and I am here to enjoy it.

I am like everyone..., unique. Each person is, with stories, desires, fears and desires... I´m just saying that, I´ll leave it there.
Tengo 31 años
Sevilla, Sevilla

I am 31 years old

I am 31 years old and the ideal age for me for a guy would be 35 to 40 years old but if he is a little older it doesn´t matter either or he is just my age but not younger than me. I long for a stable relationship but as I always say, relationships cannot be forced because otherwise they will not work out. It has to be all natural and because it is born to both of us.
Conocer gente y ojalá enamorarme
Mislata, Valencia

Meet people and hopefully fall in love

I wish I could fall in love so madly that I wouldn´t need anything else. I´m here to meet people and because I want to find once and for all the purest and most romantic love that exists in life. I haven´t been lucky in love and I long for a relationship this beautiful...
Proyecto de pareja
Muskiz, Vizcaya

Couple project

Well I call it a project because it is something I long for in my life... I am looking forward to finding love and being happy without needing any more man. I am very faithful and if I feel like I want to be unfaithful it is because that relationship is not going well and if it cannot be solved the best thing is to break up but I always fight for my relationships.
Andar por la vida acompañada
Durango, Vizcaya

Walk through life accompanied

I would like to go hand in hand in my life, have a partner, I long for it with all my soul. I was with a boy for 3 years and then an attempted relationship that only lasted 4 months and hurt me a lot. I am ready to start looking for love again and I hope to find it soon.
Tengo la mala costumbre de enamorarme
Toledo, Toledo

I have a bad habit of falling in love

I´m super in love and that makes me have a hard time a few times a year because I confuse signs, looks, words, smiles... but now I really want to look for true love because I think it´s something I long for so much that that´s why I get confused, so if it´s not for Being a couple I don´t want to try anything.
Bienvenido sea
Tarragona, Tarragona

Welcome be

Everything that comes into my life in a positive way, everything I want, everything I like, everything I want to experience and share. I have been single for a few years and resuming my love life, although it is not easy, but it is something I long for and I am looking forward to happening.
Conocernos sin problemas.
Ulldecona, Tarragona

Get to know each other without problems.

From zero commitment I want to meet someone who complements my life and it doesn´t have to be as a couple, we can complement each other in many ways. We tried? Let´s start getting to know each other and let time tell. I am single, I am 26 years old, I live alone and I feel comfortable but I long for company from time to time.

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