Natalia , 31 years
California, California

I am a 30 year old girl who is on vacation in the Americas, soon back to reality

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Soy una auténtica viajera
Ávila, Ávila

I am a true traveler

I am a traveler. Now I have calmed down and returned to Ávila. Since I found out that I could never be a mother naturally and that with treatments it would also be difficult, I decided to live and enjoy life and I have been traveling and lived in many countries for seasons, including Argentina. Now I have returned to Ávila where I have started working with my parents in their businesses and well I am open to whatever arises.
Tomar una copa, antes yo arrasaba por donde iba
Ávila, Ávila

Have a drink

I want to go back to the same place as I did before, before I was destroying wherever I went, everyone looked at me and everyone turned to look at me, I felt great, I felt important as if I were a Hollywood star, and I´m going to feel that again I would love to have a drink, I´m going to be amazing, yeah.
Sin perder la dignidad
Arahal, Sevilla

Without losing dignity

I am looking for a stable relationship and have often lost my dignity by being next to a boy and I already know that will not happen again. I am looking for a happy boy with a desire to live. I have become what I was, I believe in love again and may it always be that way. I´m a little distrustful but if you earn my trust you will have already earned an important part of me.
A veces se hacen tonterías
Elche, Alicante

Sometimes they do stupid things

I have done many stupid things for love that some I would never do again and others I would repeat with my eyes closed. I am very impulsive, I always act and then think and that´s how it has happened to me sometimes that I have done something wrong and sometimes I have done stupid things too much. I want to fall in love again if I´m lucky.
Me gustan las emociones fuertes
Bilbao, Vizcaya

I like strong emotions

I´m one to sign up for everything. The last thing I did, and it was almost without thinking, was bungee jumping and although it was quite scary at first, today I am looking forward to repeating the experience and enjoying it like a girl again. Well, I love experiences like that. Years ago I went skydiving and although that gives me a little more respect, I would love to do it again with an expert attached to me like the first time hehe. And now comes the hard part, I want to fall in love again, without a doubt, that is a strong experience hahaha, I´m a masoca like that, but I miss having someone by my side.
Para lo bueno y lo malo
Vitoria, Álava

For the good and the bad

I´m looking for someone for good and bad, I would like to find love, have a boy who is sensitive, affectionate, loving, sometimes romantic... Oh, I would go crazy with love and I´m sure everything would be perfect. I have been single for 4 years which may seem like a lot but in reality it is a lot hehe and I want to change that situation as soon as possible, but not before getting to know each other well.
Soy buena y muy directa
Teruel, Teruel

I am good and very direct

Sometimes because of how direct I am, they misunderstand me and think that I am bad that I do things with evil or to hurt and nothing is further from the truth than that since I am looking for a beautiful relationship open with sincerity where we can be ourselves and Let´s wait and tell each other things to each other´s faces and be as happy as we can in our own way... it doesn´t have to be because a stable relationship can be a relationship of trust, affection and pleasure... But always being honest with each other that That´s not about being a bad person, far from it.
Capaz de cualquier cosa

Capable of anything

I have gone to another country without meeting the boy in person just because of struggles for what I wanted at that moment and you know what? I was very happy for a few months until the relationship had to end but I was happy to do the crazy thing I did... I am romantic and very passionate and well I would take the risk again as long as I feel that it is worth it again, but this time I I would like it to be forever.
Busco solo algo esporádico
Madrid, Cundinamarca

I´m just looking for something sporadic

Hello, I´m Marta, I´m 25 years old and well, for now I´m looking for something sporadic. I got out of a relationship six months ago and at the moment I don´t feel ready to start another one so my best option right now is to make friends and have something sporadic come up and be able to have a good time since I actually love sex what happens. I have never had a relationship because I have always been in a relationship. I live alone, I have my job, my career, and well, I have quite a few hobbies that I would also like to share with a guy.
Mi destino favorito para desconectar
Cales de Mallorca, Islas Baleares

My favorite destination to disconnect

I´m actually from Barcelona but having a little house here allows me to get away every now and then to disconnect and think about my things. Sometimes I come with friends, other times I come with family and occasionally I have come alone so I look to meet an interesting guy when I come alone. I´m far from looking for a relationship since I have my life in Barcelona, but hey, a good friendship and having a good time from time to time, you understand me, well, I do feel like it he he he he he he he

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