Valladolid, Valladolid

I like to go with the truth ahead. I am 24 years old. I have a 3-year-old girl. I am a single mother and I would like to meet someone for a stable relationship. I want to rebuild my life again and make it definitive once and for all, I want them to fall in love with me and love my daughter although I don´t want them to have any responsibility for her

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No te creas lo que no ves
Segovia, Segovia

Don´t believe what you don´t see

I am always one to demonstrate and be shown, I don´t believe much in what I don´t see, although sometimes I do of course. I have no problem accepting when I lose or when I make a mistake and I always know how to ask for forgiveness. I am not ashamed of the decisions I make because when I make them it is because I am truly sorry. I don´t regret my past although there are things I would change.
Siempre con las verdad por delante
Zamora, Zamora

Always with the truth ahead

I like to be honest and that is why I will tell you that I am married, although I have plans to divorce, but for now I will be cautious and nothing about friendship and sex, which is what I really need and am looking for. I have been sexually dissatisfied for a long time and it is now that I suggest looking for something outside the home and that is why I am here.
Los mejores polvos solo los tendrás conmigo
Soria, Soria

You will only have the best sex with me

They always tell me that they have had the best sex with me, they always want to repeat it and they always hang on me for sex. I´m not looking for love because I´m 23 years old and I want to continue enjoying and sincerely fucking as much as I can before tying myself to anyone, but really, be clear that it will only be a few times.
Soy alérgica a las fresas ..
Alicante, Alicante

I am allergic to strawberries..

I recently realized that I am allergic to strawberries, which I like, I am very sad to be honest... although for some it is nonsense, for me it is not... But hey, I am looking for a stable relationship, I am a little shy at first but later I´m getting over it and they say that I´m the rock and the truth is that he always wants to be with me, who I know doesn´t fit in with me and that I really don´t like him...
Casi siempre caliente
Avilés, Asturias

Almost always hot

I can´t say that I´m hot all the time because that would be a lie, but almost all the time some days, yes. Whenever I feel like it, I masturbate like anyone else, plus I have my little toys and I would never want to feel an orgasm, but it´s true that I want a man who is the best way to unload his body, right?
Vivo el presente, el futuro ya llegará
Zamora, Zamora

I live in the present, the future will come

Thinking about the future has always overwhelmed me, for me it is important to live in the present and that the future arrives and I hope it surprises me day by day. Demomento has been half-hearted and not on my part because I always give everything for love and if I am with someone I become much more sincere if possible and I am always super faithful. If you´re like me, I´m sure we were going to really hit it off.
Hola, sinceros??? Gracias
España la Vieja, Alicante

Hello, honest??? Thank you

Hello, are you sincere? So go ahead and sorry for asking that at first but I´m totally deceitful hehe I already take it as a joke but man I would like to be with a boy that we can really see what would arise and always enjoy from the most absolute truth. I´m not going to bore you with this text, I just want to meet someone.
Dicen que los último siempre serán los primeros
A Coruña, A Coruña

They say the last will always be the first

Normally I always go last when I´m meeting a guy, since I´m so good they almost always leave me for last but well, as they say, the last will always be the first and it´s true because I end up triumphing although later I´m the one who doesn´t want to because I don´t want to be left for the last option
Cambiarías de ciudad por amor?
Ágreda, Soria

Would you change cities for love?

I am a true romantic and if the answer is yes, I would change cities for love. It is not the first time that I have moved to another city because I thought I had met the love of my life. I am twenty-eight years old and I have always believed in love, I have never liked clubbing nor have I liked meeting a boy simply to hook up with him, I have always been more of a relationship person. Life made me mature before my time and I can only thank it because thanks to that I have been very happy always doing what my heart felt. Right now I am looking for a stable relationship and as I have told you, I don´t care a little about the area of Spain. I have always teleworked so I don´t mind being here or there because I could work just the same and I don´t have children.
Tengo claro que quiero enamorarme
Toledo, Toledo

I am clear that I want to fall in love

Is it so difficult to continue believing in love? I´m a textbook cheesy, I admit it, I don´t mind being told it because it´s true, but when I´ve had a partner, even if we end up leaving them, they always end up recognizing that I´m exceptional and always try to come back, but a person who leaves my life in that sense, I no longer care. I give a second chance because for me in that aspect there are no second chances.

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