
The vast majority of my friends are very party-oriented and others have children or are in couples preparing for their weddings and although I love them very much and they love me a lot, sometimes I feel that I do not belong to one group or the other... I am in a stage where I want to find love and I want to start making other types of plans that I really want to carry out. I´m 26 years old, life happens and I don´t want to stay a teenager.

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Tomar una copa, lo necesito a menudo y mucho mejor
Vitoria, Álava

Have a drink, I need it often and much better

Sometimes it is as if I were a psychic, it is true that I see many things and I feel that they are going to happen before they happen, I see it, I feel it, my senses become more acute, it only happens to me sometimes, not all the time. I would love to have a drink because to disconnect a little, I need it often and much better.
Me estoy volviendo loca?
Tarragona, Tarragona

I am going crazy?

Do you think I´m going crazy for looking for a relationship these days? I see that fewer and fewer people are looking for love and they call me crazy for doing so, I´m also 24 years old and well I´m young but love doesn´t understand age or anything, I´m one of those who doesn´t really like being on the move. Rather, it makes me uncomfortable sometimes to meet guys just for that because I feel like I use them and I don´t like them.
Vivo sola y a veces quiero compañía
Teruel, Teruel

I live alone and sometimes I want company

I like to live alone but sometimes I feel sad and I need that company to live with someone to get excited when I get home and see that I am not alone. They are sensations that sometimes flood me and make me feel like I am alone without being alone... But I am clear that I need a loving relationship, I need to feel that heat.
A veces nos cuesta encontrar lo que buscamos
Valladolid, Valladolid

Sometimes it is difficult for us to find what we are looking for

Sometimes it is difficult for us to find what we are looking for, to know that person or those people. Things are a little bad for me in the field of consumerist love... In all of that things are going terribly for me and now that you want me to tell you, I am ready for everything that arises at any moment, feeling like a desired woman, dearly loved, or everything at the same time. I´m 26 years old and I´m too young to be like this hahaha it seems like I´m having one of those existential crises but I´m not like that hahaha.
Soy la rara
A Coruña, A Coruña

I´m the weird one

I am the odd one out of my group of friends, and although I know that they love me and that they respect me and love being with me, but I sometimes feel that I am hindering them and the fact is that I am not interested in the same things, I think that I have matured too quickly and Although I try to do the same as them, sometimes I notice that I am not comfortable. I am 24 years old but I want and need to find a partner. I want to be in a relationship. I am quite prepared.
Creo que todo el mundo puede ser buena persona
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

I believe that everyone can be a good person

Although there are people who do not behave well, I firmly believe that everyone can be a good person and feel comfortable being one. I´m not one to argue at all, although sometimes I even find it necessary and those few times I feel very, very bad. I am open to whatever arises but you won´t tell me that where love is, everything else is taken away.
Será que ligare y será maravilloso?

Will I flirt and it will be wonderful?

It would be wonderful to have something to do with a guy with a profile that I like... It would be great if the time came when I hit it off again with a guy that came up because sometimes I feel like I don´t fit in with all the guys. and I don´t like it, my self-esteem is lowered on many occasions...
Mi destino favorito para desconectar
Cales de Mallorca, Islas Baleares

My favorite destination to disconnect

I´m actually from Barcelona but having a little house here allows me to get away every now and then to disconnect and think about my things. Sometimes I come with friends, other times I come with family and occasionally I have come alone so I look to meet an interesting guy when I come alone. I´m far from looking for a relationship since I have my life in Barcelona, but hey, a good friendship and having a good time from time to time, you understand me, well, I do feel like it he he he he he he he
Tengo ganas de algo más interesante
España la Vieja, Alicante

I´m looking forward to something more interesting

Sometimes I feel like I surround myself with people who have stopped feeling interest in me, and I´m not referring to my family or my closest friends, but to people who I previously saw wanted to meet me, who wanted to get to know me, like some guy, for example, and suddenly It´s like they don´t want to know anything about me. I feel that I lack spark that I have lost something within me due to the stress of work since lately I have been super stressed and I would like to be myself again, I would like to meet someone who can help me be like I was before and why not, to be able to have a nice story or good to have something.
Reconozco que me siento rara
Vitoria, Álava

I admit that I feel strange

I feel strange registering on a contacts page since I was one of those who said that I could never ever be on a page like that because I´m not looking for the same thing that others are looking for, perhaps. I suppose that around here the majority of guys go looking for sex, what happens is that I´m not looking for that, I´m looking for something more stable, more serious, and since I´m a girl who doesn´t like to party a lot, well, at least meet people, I guess Around here the majority of guys go looking for sex, what happens is that I´m not looking for that, I´m looking for something more stable, more serious and since I´m a girl I don´t like to party a lot and when I go out I don´t know about flirting. it works very well. I´m as simple as you can imagine, but that doesn´t mean I´m not interesting and I can´t make you have a wonderful time with me.

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