Marlo , 21 years
Canarias, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

I´m looking for sex, someone to have fun with, experience new things and someone who is willing to do everything.

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Solo para chicos dispuesto a disfrutar
Valencia, Valencia

Only for boys willing to enjoy

I don´t believe in love at least for now, someone would have to change my mind, for the moment I´m only looking for sporadic relationships with guys who are willing to enjoy sporadic occasional relationships. I´m not looking for anything from another world other than this, I have no intentions of any other kind, promised.
En marcha y dispuesta a conocerte
Oviedo, Asturias

On the go and ready to meet you

I´m on this page and determined to meet a guy for whatever comes up. It was difficult for me to decide since I don´t trust the other person very much to be sincere, but in a way that uncertainty gives it its edge.
Hombre maduro dispuesto a todo
Macael, Almería

Mature man ready for anything

I am 38 years old and I am looking for a mature man for everything that arises because I would like to find a stable relationship but I am not closed to anything but for that reason it is better to be single. I like it from 40/42 onwards. I´ve always been with men older than me... If you´re wondering why, well, I have no idea.
amistad y lo que surja, bien y si nace algo mas especial
Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

friendship and whatever arises, fine and if something more special arises

I am Nuria, a 44-year-old mature woman who wants to go out, I am not closed to what happens, if friendship comes out, fine and if something more special is born, willing... it´s all about knowing about us and seeing how we had it. I live and work in Santiago, I work from Monday to Friday part-time and I have the weekends to get to know you.
Estoy dispuesta a todo, estoy dispuesta a todo en esta vida
Soria, Soria

I am ready for everything, I am ready for everything in this life

I am ready for anything in this life. Lately I am becoming very determined and I am changing small things to move forward in my life. I am 30 years old and I don´t want to continue missing opportunities like I have been doing until now.
Hasta donde estas dispuesto a llegar?
Ávila, Ávila

How far are you willing to go?

I don´t know how far you are willing to go for a woman but I would like to know if you are willing to have something serious or just a fling. I am open to everything and for a man I like I could go all the way and fall in love in a short time. I´m not looking to run but I´m not looking to run at a snail´s pace either, you know what I mean.
Siempre estoy dispuesta a conocer
Alcañices, Zamora

I am always willing to meet

I am always willing to meet someone and let myself go. I wouldn´t mind falling in love even though I´m all for whatever comes my way, I´m all for whatever can come my way as long as it´s something that fulfills me.
Si me quieres conocer estoy dispuesta
A Coruña, A Coruña

If you want to meet me I´m willing

I am here because I am willing to get to know someone with the most absolute sincerity and good vibes. I don´t look for strange relationships no matter how strange it may seem hehe because I´ve already been told that whoever searches online is because they look for strange things and that´s not my case at all. I am seriously open to everything to enjoy and let myself go.
Estoy dispuesta a enamorarme de verdad
Almería, Almería

I´m ready to truly fall in love

I can say that I believe in love, that I am in love, that when I say I love you, I really mean it. I have my feet on the ground and I don´t trust everyone either, but if I trust you, don´t disappoint me because then you will lose me forever.
Ni santa ni leona
Castilla y León, Zamora

Santa is Leona

I am not a saint but I am not a lioness either, I am a normal girl, sometimes shy, sometimes not, I am looking for a boy who understands me and who is willing to look for something more serious if something like that arises, I am also willing to have a sporadic relationship If what I see convinces me.

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