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Salvador , 28 years
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

Tell me what you are talking about, keep in mind that I like to talk for more than 1 minute, send me your contact information and I will be happy to talk to you from wherever I am. Look, I have things very clear, I´m looking for sex, thanks to it I know if I´m going to like it or not, as a good saying goes, if you still like it after fucking, it´s the one.

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La vida es para divertirse,? te apetece acompañarme?
Bilbao, Vizcaya

Life is for fun,? Would you like to accompany me?

Hello, I´m looking to have a good time without commitments, fun and have a good time with friends without complexes and mischief. I promise you that we will have a great time, if you want of course.?
Pero ir en busca de una cosa
Albacete, Albacete

But go in search of one thing

Whatever has to happen will happen, if it happens it happens and if it doesn´t happen then it doesn´t happen, but to go in search of a thing and then for it to not happen is to eat your head for nothing, the best thing is to go see what happens and the time and the moment will say it all
Amistad lo que pueda pasar al conocernos nada serio salir por algunas copas q pase
Sevilla, Sevilla

Friendship, what may happen when we meet, nothing serious, go out for a few drinks, whatever happens.

Friendship, whatever may happen when we meet, nothing serious, go out for a few drinks, whatever may have to happen.
Educado me gustaría quedar
Islas Baleares, Islas Baleares

Educated I would like to stay

Hello, I am a clean and educated man. I would like to meet and have a good time. I am looking for women to pass. I can move around. I am well endowed.
Lo que pasa lo tendré callado
San Clemente, Cuenca

What happens I will keep quiet

I´m looking for whatever the sexes are and if something else happens, then from now on I´m a serious guy and what happens I´ll keep quiet.
Algo rápido al momento pero que pase lo que surja
Vila-seca, Tarragona

Something quick at the moment but whatever happens happens

Something quick at the moment but whatever comes up, and whatever happens, continue the friendship and stop loving you.
No busco nada serio solo pasar el rato unas cervezas unas risas
Pedrajas de San Esteban, Valladolid

I´m not looking for anything serious, just hanging out, some beers, some laughs.

I´m not looking for anything serious, just hanging out, a few beers, a few laughs and whatever has to happen happens haha
Busco quedar, ver qué pasa, quiero una buena chica
Melilla, Melilla

I´m looking to meet up, see what happens, I want a good girl

I´m looking to meet up and see what happens, I want a good girl, go out, walk, have a drink and then she leaves looking what happens
Que pase lo que tenga que pasar, busco mujeres para pasarla bien rico salir ah comer salir ah divertirnos y que pase lo que tenga que pasar
Madrid, Madrid

That whatever has to happen

I´m looking for women to have a great time, go out there, eat, go out there, have fun and let whatever has to happen happen.
Que me pase cosas eroticas
Sevilla, Sevilla

Let erotic things happen to me

Beautiful, she sends me horny photos, she doesn´t ask for anything, she doesn´t get angry and she sends me erotic things and dirty videos of her

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