Valencia, Valencia

I am Aura, I am 19 years old, I am a young girl who wants to live to the fullest. I sometimes go out to party but I´m not motivated to meet guys like that or I haven´t found my special person because I don´t usually like them very much. I think it´s because of the environment where I meet them. Well, it´s my first experience in a chat and I´m going to take advantage of it.

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maría del pilar
amistad y lo que surja, es mi primera vez en un chat
San Joan d´Alacant, Alicante

friendship and whatever arises, it´s my first time in a chat

Hello, my friends call me Pili and I hope you are one of them. It´s my first time in a chat, I´m 60 years old and technologies didn´t exist in my time. But I am forward-thinking, I am not afraid of anything. I have a lot of life and experience with all kinds of people. If you want to meet me, I´m in SAN Joan.
amistad y lo que surja, con ganas de conocer gente y vivir nuevas experiencias
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

friendship and whatever arises, wanting to meet people and live new experiences

Hello everyone, I consider myself a somewhat crazy woman, eager to meet people and live new experiences. A few years ago when I spent the summer in Pamplona I had a sado sexual experience and I loved it. Since that, I have immersed myself fully in the world of bdsm, I like the role of submissive and I am looking for an experienced master who will give me what I deserve.
amistad y lo que surja, no soy una chica
Sevilla, Sevilla

friendship and whatever comes next

I want to try new experiences, I´m not a girl, I´m 33 years old and I offer to have a threesome, I have no experience, but I don´t want to die without enjoying that experience. My ex-husband was very classic, but I was open to everything in terms of sexuality... morbidity and curiosity kill me. Anyone interested in my proposal?
amistad y lo que surja, te espero, y quien sabe
A Coruña, A Coruña

friendship and whatever arises, I´ll wait for you, and who knows

The routine kills me, I want to have new experiences, meet different people, do new things... a 43-year-old woman who loves sex, but I have never had any experience online... if we like each other, we could have a warm experience on Skype. And who knows, if you are from Coruña, even meet. I´ll wait for you.
amistad y lo que surja, me he metido en este chat para conocer a alguien bueno
Valladolid, Valladolid

friendship and whatever arises, I have entered this chat to meet someone good

Hello everyone, I joined this chat to meet someone good, sincere and loyal. I was dating a Dominican for three months and the experience was not very good (the way he was and the mentality he had put me through hell) but because of a bad experience, I am not willing to give up on love.
Me gustan las emociones fuertes
Bilbao, Vizcaya

I like strong emotions

I´m one to sign up for everything. The last thing I did, and it was almost without thinking, was bungee jumping and although it was quite scary at first, today I am looking forward to repeating the experience and enjoying it like a girl again. Well, I love experiences like that. Years ago I went skydiving and although that gives me a little more respect, I would love to do it again with an expert attached to me like the first time hehe. And now comes the hard part, I want to fall in love again, without a doubt, that is a strong experience hahaha, I´m a masoca like that, but I miss having someone by my side.
amistad y lo que surja, espero noticias  pronto
Jávea, Alicante

friendship and whatever arises, I hope for news soon

I can´t find chats that are only about sado, bsdm, that´s why I got involved, to see if I can find an experienced master, I like to play the role of a submissive (but only on a sexual level) in my daily life I like to command and not to let myself be bossed around by anyone... but in bed, I changed the chip... I hope for news soon.
amistad y lo que surja, solamente me tienes que escribir
Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca

friendship and whatever arises, you just have to write to me

Let´s see if in this chat I find people who like sado in the world of bdsm, with experience. My role is that of submissive, but from time to time I do like to change roles, not fall into routine. If you are involved in this world and want us to meet, you just have to write to me... I promise to respond to everyone.
amistad y lo que surja, de la dominación
Capela (A), A Coruña

friendship and what arises, from domination

I like the world of bdsm, sado, domination... I have gotten into this chat, looking for people who like the same thing... There are not many people involved in this world. just little kids, who want to live new experiences and try. I am looking for people with experience. If you belong to this world, contact me.
amistad y lo que surja, ahora lo que busco es divertirme
Benidorm, Alicante

friendship and whatever arises, now what I´m looking for is to have fun

Hello, I have been separated for two years... I have recently been in a chat for separated and divorced people... but I didn´t like it... Now what I am looking for is to have fun, no ties, share experiences and activities. Make friends, go out in a group, the more people, the more fun... if you´re up for it, we´ll organize something...

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