Zamora, Zamora

I´m a naughty girl, I like to be that naughty about being seductive and sometimes acting a little too interesting. I am 23 years old, a very young girl, but be careful, I will never play with your heart or your feelings. For me those things are always sacred. I´m only open to friendship and sex too.

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Maripositas y no de amor
Vila-seca, Tarragona

Butterflies and not of love

I´m looking to feel butterflies but not exactly love hahaha, I´m very naughty, I know, well, I´m looking for sex, I had a terrible time in my last relationship and now there´s nothing to enjoy without further ado, without complications and without explanations, which is not what I really like, but well, I don´t like it. I feel ready for another relationship
Si, reconozco que soy muy exigente
Zamora, Zamora

Yes, I admit that I am very demanding

I like to always be surrounded by the best and that´s why I´m demanding and I look for a stable relationship so I demand a lot more, I´m sorry but it´s like that because I want to be happy and it´s not worth being happy with just anyone because then I wouldn´t really be happy. I am 34 years old and the first thing I am demanding about is age.
No se qué sentido darle a todo esto
Deltebre, Tarragona

I don´t know what meaning to give to all this

I´m wondering which way to go so I don´t know what meaning to give it, on the one hand I´m looking for love or that´s what I want to find but on the other hand I would also like to just enjoy a friendship relationship with something sporadic and I don´t know what else. I´m very doubtful, I admit it, but I don´t know where to go so that everything turns out well. What do you think? A friend tells me to just let myself go and not try to find meaning in it because it will be much more fun. I will try...
Lo reconozco me gusta el chisme
Salamanca, Salamanca

I admit it, I like gossip

Wow, I´m very gossipy hahaha I like gossip but as long as it´s not very important things when it´s a secret I´m a tomb and I don´t want to be told either but if it´s normal things... I love it!!! Well, I´m looking for you who are only looking for friendship and sex and who don´t want complications in your life.
Estoy un poco loca
Sagunto, Valencia

I´am a little crazy

I admit that I am a little crazy, that I get adventurous sometimes and that´s how it happens to me. Before I was more bold than I am now but I admit that I like to be bold from time to time as I was before. If I like a guy I´m going for it and partly I don´t care if I end up making a fool of myself because that´s who I am and before I give up, I take the risk.
Espero que salga todo rodado
Valencia, Valencia

I hope everything goes smoothly

I am a very impatient woman, I admit it, I admit that I often cannot cope with my impatience to do things and that partly frustrates me because I would not like to know that way, but well, like everything in this video, it can be changed hehehe and nothing else. I am open to whatever arises without hesitation.
Ana maría
Lo reconozco, soy perezosa
Roquetas de Mar, Almería

I admit it, I´m lazy

At first I´m very lazy, then there´s no one to stop me when I get over it, but until I get over it... I don´t like the issue of going with some and with others, I´m more into finding a partner and being in a couple in love and happy. I never leave my friends aside because for my partner and friends it can be united.
Reconozco que me siento rara
Vitoria, Álava

I admit that I feel strange

I feel strange registering on a contacts page since I was one of those who said that I could never ever be on a page like that because I´m not looking for the same thing that others are looking for, perhaps. I suppose that around here the majority of guys go looking for sex, what happens is that I´m not looking for that, I´m looking for something more stable, more serious, and since I´m a girl who doesn´t like to party a lot, well, at least meet people, I guess Around here the majority of guys go looking for sex, what happens is that I´m not looking for that, I´m looking for something more stable, more serious and since I´m a girl I don´t like to party a lot and when I go out I don´t know about flirting. it works very well. I´m as simple as you can imagine, but that doesn´t mean I´m not interesting and I can´t make you have a wonderful time with me.
Tengo claro que quiero enamorarme
Toledo, Toledo

I am clear that I want to fall in love

Is it so difficult to continue believing in love? I´m a textbook cheesy, I admit it, I don´t mind being told it because it´s true, but when I´ve had a partner, even if we end up leaving them, they always end up recognizing that I´m exceptional and always try to come back, but a person who leaves my life in that sense, I no longer care. I give a second chance because for me in that aspect there are no second chances.
Soy un poco nerviosa
España la Vieja, Alicante

I´m a little nervous

When I like a guy I´m a little more nervous than normal because I like to be liked and rejection hurts me so I get nervous and sometimes I screw up, it´s something that I recognize is like that but well, just like that I´ll change it and make sure it doesn´t happen to me. notice at least a lot. I have registered here precisely because I think it could be a good time to overcome that nervousness and have everything turn out great.

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