Conil de la Frontera, Cádiz

I want to be with someone to hang out with, I´ve come on vacation and I´m staying in the center of Conil de la Frontera

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TREMENDO X X. Busco adicta al amor ?
Burjassot, Valencia

TREMENDOUS X X. Am I looking for a love addict?

Hello..! My dear wise men of the East. I have been a very good boy all these years ago and a little rebellious in my thoughts since I am looking for a girl who loves sex as much as I do and doesn´t mind if we are very fuck buddies or a formal couple, because that formal couple thing flows without force nothing and it is something between two people of course and well while the love of my life does not come, I want a lot of sex with my friend to meet, because it is also nice to have a fuck friend addicted to me because I can also fall in love with her and sex It is very fundamental for me and my fuck friend. I have a tremendous cock and I can´t hide it my dear kings and I want a sex slut at all hours but with love. Call me and I´ll screw you up.
Por probar no pasa nada.
Pamplona, Navarra

Nothing happens to try.

I´m looking for an imperfect one that perfects my life. My imperfections will be in charge of perfecting her. Today I´m on a bus surrounded by people, looking askance at the stranger in the seat next to me. It is a true beauty. It´s hot, she´s wearing a thin tank top that allows me to see the naked roundness of her small breasts. Right at the limit of her skin and the fabric of her blouse, there are large, pointed nipples that, not wearing a bra, agitate my exhalation and capture all my attention. My cock becomes very hard and presses against my clothes. I throw my jacket over my legs and nervously release my fly. She is fatter than I thought and I discover my seatmate, biting her lip lasciviously, with her eyes wide open and without blinking looking at my stiff cock...
Busco una mujer para pasar buenos ratos, que quiera sentirse deseada frutar y con ganas dedivertirse
Donostia-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa

I am looking for a woman to have a good time, who wants to feel desired, fruitful and eager to have fun.

I am looking for a woman who wants to enjoy, have fun and open to what may arise, who wants to feel loved and desired.
Pasarlo bien loke tenga k pasar k pase soy un chico normal
Baza, Granada

Have a good time, whatever happens, what happens, I´m a normal guy

Meet girls and have a good time, whatever happens, whatever happens, I´m a normal guy, I´m a loving and a little crazy guy, I want to enjoy life at the moment, and time will tell, what´s supposed to happen, I don´t close any doors and I´m willing to meet whoever m I would like to meet and what happens because it doesn´t have to happen xk it´s nothing more than sex, a beautiful friendship or a relationship with the right xika can also arise, you never know the age m the truth is indifferent xk to have a good time it doesn´t matter how old you are Every woman has something good regardless of her age and I only want to have a good time and enjoy and make people who I want to know enjoy, I assure you that you will not regret knowing me because I am open minded and I like everything and above all respect
busco relación seria pero primero conocernos  y paso,a paso veremos como si conectamos
Albacete, Albacete

I am looking for a serious relationship but first get to know each other and step by step we will see how we connect

I am very responsible and detail-oriented and very homely with a blanket, sofa, popcorn and a good movie, I like to collaborate with the housework and faithfully respectful of the person I have by my side, and most importantly I do not like falsehood, no It leads nowhere because I know there is a lot of falsehood on the Internet. Well, I also like to go out to dinner and to the movies and whatever comes next, I´m also up for it... whether it´s a drink or a walk from time to time I like to take the child out. that I have inside me, because I am very funny, my goal is that the woman I have by my side does not lack anything, that she is happy and very comfortable and that she gives her all my support in difficult times, gives her a wonderful life in every sense because she loves it. she deserves that´s me giving my all it´s the most correct thing for her I like cycling that´s why it´s practical, I also cook and from time to time I like to bring out the child that I carry inside me because I´m very fun and when I´m in it I plan I don´t stop and even more so in these times with what we have on top of us
Soy un chico que busca chicas, ahora un soldado ucraniano que defiende su patria y su familia

I´m a boy looking for girls

Dear ladies and gentlemen, before the war I was a simple factory worker, now a Ukrainian soldier defending his homeland and his family. I am very glad to see such beautiful ladies and try to establish communication with you.
Busco conocer mujeres abiertas a disfrutar en buena compañía
San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa

I am looking to meet women open to enjoying good company

I am looking to meet women open to enjoying good company, who want to have fun and feel loved and desired.
Pero ir en busca de una cosa
Albacete, Albacete

But go in search of one thing

Whatever has to happen will happen, if it happens it happens and if it doesn´t happen then it doesn´t happen, but to go in search of a thing and then for it to not happen is to eat your head for nothing, the best thing is to go see what happens and the time and the moment will say it all
Lo que busco depende de ella si quiere algo serio o jugar con
Torrevieja, Alicante

What I´m looking for depends on her if she wants something serious or to play with

What I´m looking for depends on her if she wants something serious or to play with me if it´s something serious I love her like no one else can love her.
Construir una relación muy hermosa
Tudela, Navarra

Build a very beautiful relationship

The most important thing in life is mutual respect, lack of doubts, actions, mutual love and building a very beautiful relationship and loving each other again, greetings dear.

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