Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

Everything suits me, I am open to whatever arises from a friendship, love or some sex. I am not demanding and perhaps I should be from time to time but it doesn´t work for me since I am a girl who immediately gains my trust and security. If you want and you´re serious, you can check it out for yourself. I am 30 years old, a very mature young woman.

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Hola soy Débora
Almería, Almería

Hi, I´m Deborah.

After living my entire life in Madrid and working like a champ, since my father had a work accident where he had to be compensated and retired, my parents came to Almería and my mother set up a business... I stayed for a while more in Madrid but finally I came with them. I am an only child, I don´t have a partner or children, so no one really tied me there except my house, which I sold before I came.
Vengo a conocer al amor de mi vida
Teruel, Teruel

I come to meet the love of my life

Hello, is it possible? I am the love of your life, will you open it to me? Thank you!!! Hehehe well guys I am 40 years old and although I have been with the same man with whom I had children for many years, I never felt that he was the love of my life. Some think that at 40 you can no longer find that love that feels so deep and about which you say yes, this is the love of my life, and yes it is possible, of course it is and I look for it eagerly.
amistad y lo que surja, me gusta el arte
Ávila, Ávila

friendship and whatever arises, I like art

Hello, I´m from Barcelona, but I´m going to come to Avila very often, my brother has come to live here and I´m looking for people to meet up with every time he comes... sex without commitment, it doesn´t hurt anyone. A joy for the body is always good... I like art, the sea, good food and fun people.
Vengo de otra ciudad
Teruel, Teruel

I come from another city

Changing your life the way I changed it years ago was not easy. We moved because of considerable improvements in my parents´ work, but in the end I left my entire life behind and it was difficult for me to adapt. From time to time I return to my city but it is not the same anymore. I´ve been here for 5 years and although in general I´m happy because I´m with my family, I feel like I don´t quite fit in with the people. I am 23 years old and I am looking forward to finding a partner.
Vengo a ciegas
Sevilla, Sevilla

I come blind

I don´t know how this works, I don´t know how a chat works, I only know that it´s for flirting, that´s of course, but the rest is a mystery to me. It makes me nervous and horny in equal measure. I´m not shy but these things impose a lot on me and perhaps a little shy I do go back to the beginning. I´m not one of the prettiest but I´m not one of the ugliest either hehe I consider myself quite normal but I think you might like me a lot.
Vengo a ciegas
Segovia, Segovia

I come blind

I don´t know how this works, I don´t know how a chat works, I only know that it´s for flirting, that´s of course, but the rest is a mystery to me. It makes me nervous and horny in equal measure. I´m not shy but these things impose a lot on me and perhaps a little shy I do go back to the beginning. I´m not one of the prettiest but I´m not one of the ugliest either hehe I consider myself quite normal but I think you might like me a lot.
Si eres sincero tenemos la mitad del camino preparado
Almería, Almería

If you are honest we have half the way prepared

Requirement: sincerity... From there whatever needs to arise will emerge. Sometimes I think that I am a little soft when it comes to meeting guys and they deceive me because I trust everyone hehehe, in reality I come stronger but being my essence I do not lose it nor will I lose it. I look for what comes up, I have no problems if just a little sex comes up, as long as we are honest. It is not good to play with anyone´s feelings because we do not know how they may be going through it and what it would affect their daily lives.
Vengo de otra página, me irá mejor aquí?
El Ejido, Almería

I come from another page, will it be better for me here?

I come from another place, it hasn´t gone well for me but I trust that this is better. I am 42 years old and I have been called old haha and others call me desperate... These are things that don´t matter to me, they don´t affect me but I come to give and receive respect and of course I am open to whatever arises. I like them from 40 onwards, but if there is someone from 35 onwards who is fine and shows maturity... well, hey, that´s fine for me too.
Ojalá tener un manual para entender a todo el mundo
Tarragona, Tarragona

I wish I had a manual to understand everyone

What I say is that we need to come into this world with a book of instructions, a manual to understand each other and so that there is no type of problem. I have a hard time understanding men a lot, I don´t know how I manage it, but hey, I come willing to understand anyone who wants to know me for whatever comes up, I half promise hehehe
Mi destino favorito para desconectar
Cales de Mallorca, Islas Baleares

My favorite destination to disconnect

I´m actually from Barcelona but having a little house here allows me to get away every now and then to disconnect and think about my things. Sometimes I come with friends, other times I come with family and occasionally I have come alone so I look to meet an interesting guy when I come alone. I´m far from looking for a relationship since I have my life in Barcelona, but hey, a good friendship and having a good time from time to time, you understand me, well, I do feel like it he he he he he he he

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