Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

I prefer to start with something sporadic so you get to know people much better, you enjoy yourself more and you get to know each other without taboos...sometimes true love arises and it´s super nice and other times it simply results in a nice friendship. After that, whatever comes up, I let myself go like a little bird hehehe, I hope you like girls like that in my style.

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Prefiero algo esporádico a tener que atarme
Toboso (El), Toledo

I prefer something sporadic to having to tie myself down

I´m afraid of falling in love, I say it clearly because that´s how it is, so a romance is what suits me best right now. My biggest hobby is traveling, although I travel much less than I need and deserve.
Me gusta el cine muchísimo
Gernika-Lumo, Vizcaya

I like cinema very much

I like movies a lot but not always going to a theater to see them, sometimes I prefer to enjoy them from home, well for the most part. I prefer to rent the movie on some platform and watch it from the comfort of my home. I am looking for a stable relationship, there is nothing I would like more than to share these moments with a good man.
Prefiero sexo antes que el amor
Segovia, Segovia

I prefer sex over love

My name is María Teresa but they call me Maritere which I like better. Right now I prefer just sex, I prefer it over love at this moment and it´s because I´m starting my business and I can´t have anything serious because I won´t be able to pay the attention that a relationship needs when it´s just starting out but I do want to have a good time. Of course.
Soy un poco trotamundos
Alicante, Alicante

I´m a bit of a globetrotter

I am a very well-traveled traveler and I have streaks where I don´t stop traveling. My advantage is that I work from home so when I get around to it I travel a lot. I like adventure and sometimes going on an adventure is what I do. I like the best and the best and that is why I want to meet the best man and why? Well, for a stable relationship, better than nothing, although I wouldn´t mind something more sporadic, but it´s just in case I don´t find someone who wants to commit because I prefer, rather, commitment.
Que me ofreces?
Segovia, Segovia

What do you offer me?

I hope you can offer me something truly sincere and lasting. I wouldn´t like to be meeting someone who doesn´t treat me as I deserve and lies to me. I prefer sincerity above all, I prefer that you tell me what you are looking for and if we fit, I would like to have a meeting and test the waters and see which way we go.
Me ilusionó enseguida
Venta Gaspar, Almería

I was immediately excited

Hello, I´m Arabia and I´m 28 years old and I´m looking for something more serious and stable right now. I am a woman who gets my hopes up very easily and that´s why I prefer to meet guys who are looking for love because sometimes some get a woman excited about fucking and then they send her away so that´s why I prefer with my own thoughts.
Quiero algo esporádico
Talavera de la Reina, Toledo

I want something sporadic

I prefer something sporadic, something that doesn´t make me think too much that doesn´t hurt me or keep me awake, I had a very bad time in my last relationship and I´m super shielded in that sense...I´m not interested in anything about love or even hearing about it. Far from it, I get pimples, rashes and everything. I´m looking for single or divorced guys, I don´t want to be one of the culprits that makes someone suffer.
No busco un chico de alquiler
A Coruña, La Rioja

I´m not looking for a rent boy

For me, a rental boy is one of those guys for something sporadic and I´m not one of those, I´m more about having a guy to meet and have a stable relationship with good luck, you know? Because I prefer to be in tune with someone and have something true and authentic than to be stupid and then have problems due to the feelings that may come out.
Un poco zorrita si que soy
Torrent, Valencia

I am a bit of a slut

Let it be clear that I call it myself hahaha I´m a bit of a slut but one of the good ones on the lists and on top of those who know how to enjoy life as they want. I don´t have a partner, I´m good and that´s why I don´t have that and I don´t have to be unfaithful hehehe I don´t like that stuff so I prefer something sporadic and with a single guy
Prefiero una relación estable
Tarragona, Tarragona

I prefer a stable relationship

By choosing, I would prefer to have a stable relationship but since I don´t know what may arise right now, for the moment I let myself go as a friend and see what happens. It´s my first time on a dating site so I don´t really know how I should talk to the guys since I´m a little embarrassing. Don´t think that my shyness lasts too long because then it quickly goes away, but of course until then it´s a little hard for me to get started, but then everything is great. They usually tell me that when I get over my shyness I am very nice and that they laugh with me a lot. Do you want to check it?

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