Centro, Ciudad de México

Without anything sexual, my dream is to set up my own massage and wellness center. I finished studying recently and although I am working and great, my dream is to have my own center in the future. For now I can only dream that one day it will arrive. I´m looking for a stable relationship if possible but I don´t know if it can be.

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Hola soy Débora
Almería, Almería

Hi, I´m Deborah.

After living my entire life in Madrid and working like a champ, since my father had a work accident where he had to be compensated and retired, my parents came to Almería and my mother set up a business... I stayed for a while more in Madrid but finally I came with them. I am an only child, I don´t have a partner or children, so no one really tied me there except my house, which I sold before I came.
Tengo un herbolario
Bilbao, Vizcaya

I have a herbalist

I recently started what was my dream, setting up my own herbal shop. In the work field I am fulfilling my dream and now I want to find a man for a stable relationship and be completely happy. Can you help me get it? Maybe you are my man and we still don´t know it. We don´t lose anything, neither of us, by trying.
Busco amistad, no que va
Sevilla, Sevilla

I´m looking for friendship, not that

My friends, the very slutty ones, gave me a massage session for my birthday, but not just any massage, not that, erotic massages and of course, gifts have to be accepted and I went and fucked, incredible, to be there every afternoon jjjjj, I really blew it away. I´m looking for friendship and fun friends, yes.
Busco amistad, busco amistad y amigos para masajes varios jjjj
Soria, Soria

I´m looking for friendship, I´m looking for friendship and friends for various massages jjjj

The massages are always given to me by male masseuses haha, let´s see, men have bigger and more powerful hands, they have more strength, I know this because women have given them to me and better when they are men, the thing is that I need my massages for myself back. I am looking for friendship and friends for various massages jjjj.
Mónica Nuria
amistad y lo que surja, vivo en talavera de la reina
Talavera de la Reina, Toledo

friendship and whatever arises, I live in Talavera de la Reina

Hello, since I am somewhat shy, they have recommended to me that the internet is ideal for making friends... until I let go. I work remotely and that makes me isolate myself from people more than I should. I live in Talavera de la Reina, but I am from the Navalucillos. I love riding a bike, the mountains and excursions... if you want to know more about me... write to me.
amistad y lo que surja, mi trabajo me da lo justo para vivir y controlo en lo que lo gasto
Avilés, Asturias

friendship and whatever arises, my job gives me just enough to live on and I control what I spend it on

I know many places where I would get a massage... but what I´m looking for is a massage with a happy ending and one that I don´t have to pay for. My job gives me just enough to live on and I control what I spend it on. I don´t have a partner and a job that keeps me tense all day... and what´s better than a massage with a happy ending to relax?
Monte preocupes por mí no soy tan sensible
Soria, Soria

Monte worry about me I´m not that sensitive

Because of my sweet face, all the boys treat me as if I were made of glass hehe it´s funny to me because they think I´m fragile and too sensitive and yes I´m sensitive but it´s fair and necessary and I also have a very strong character so my angel face doesn´t bother you confuse I´m open to whatever comes up.
amistad y lo que surja, todo depende de la persona que encuentre
Bilbao, Vizcaya

friendship and what arises, it all depends on the person you find

Hello, I don´t have a partner, so I´ll go with the flow as I see it... the thing can remain a friendship, a relationship, a relationship... it all depends on the person I find. I like many things, music, the sea, the mountains, the smell of the sea and relaxing massages, give them to me above all hehe
amistad y lo que surja, soy culona y por eso el sexo anal les encanta a los hombres que me conocen
Zamora, Zamora

friendship and whatever comes next

I´m looking for something to do, a lot of activity of all kinds... I have a big ass and that´s why anal sex is loved by the men who know me... I love being pounded hard, as my grandfather used to say... a good rider always rides hair...anyone who likes dressage and riding? Don´t think twice and call me..
Me gusta ser anfitriona en fiestas
Madrid, Cundinamarca

I like to host parties

Of my group of friends and my family, I am the one who throws the most parties. We have one party a month, I´m sure I throw it and a lot of people come, they love it and I feel great. I don´t go out to party but when I have parties at my house I make a lot of trouble and everyone has a great time. I´m not looking for anything serious, rather I´m looking for the opposite.

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