Alcoy, Alicante

I am 25 years old and I am quite mature, I know what I want, I have my job and I am in the process of buying my own house. Maturity is not just age. I am looking for a stable relationship and I am not a party person.

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Pido que sea alguien que me brinde una estabilidad emocional
Jaén, Jaén

I ask that it be someone who gives me emotional stability

I am a self-confident person and I don´t like being dominated. I am looking for friendship and if, due to fate, something else happens, I ask that it be someone who gives me emotional and sentimental stability. I am one of those women who do not like to compare myself with anyone, I like to hold my head high, without having to bow my face to anyone, I am not better or worse than anyone, it´s just me and no one can beat that
Más madura que la edad que tengo
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

More mature than my age

My name is Sandra and I am a girl more mature than my age. I am 26 years old but I am more mature. I am looking for a stable relationship and because love is not a question of age, you do not need to be older to be able to be in a relationship and fall in love.
Cuarte de Huerva, Zaragoza


I am looking for a mature guy for a stable relationship. I am young but very mature in thought and I have always been given to immature mentality and I don´t like it at all because that way you can´t have a relationship without conditions with anyone and that frustrates me a lot so only mature mentality if not nothing at all
Un muchacho especial
Alicante, Alicante

a special boy

There are people who come into your life and in a matter of days they are someone special and essential because I would like something like that to happen to me. It hasn´t happened to me in a long time and I miss finding someone with that magic because for me that is pure magic. Here there are people as normal as anywhere else and I celebrate it because I don´t think that there are only weirdos here as I´ve been told, aren´t we all weirdos???
La edad es un número y la madurez un grado
Ávila, Ávila

Age is a number and maturity is a degree.

I look for maturity, age in itself is a number but maturity marks a degree and that is what is really important. I am open to whatever arises, I like to have fun and take things seriously. I like to live to the fullest but with head and if I find what I find as long as it is positive it will be perfect
Si volviese a mí juventud sería diferente
Torrevieja, Alicante

If I returned to my youth it would be different

At 45 years old I feel like I´ve lost my youth and well now that I´m single I want to go back to that stage with my maturity of course and enjoy what I knew, for example going out partying and having some fun... It may sound like a midlife crisis or something like that and not at all, I just want to experience things at my age and maturity that I would have liked to experience when I was young.
Antes de nada tengo una niña
Segovia, Segovia

First of all I have a girl

I like to make things clear and I am the mother of a one-year-old daughter, I am a single mother and well I have a lot of help from my parents so that I can work and also go out from time to time. I´m looking for something stable but I´m not looking for responsibilities of any kind. I am 26 years old, I am young but very mature. I live with my parents by my own decision because I have my own house but I rented it to a friend and partner a month ago.
Muy madura de todo
Yuncos, Toledo

Very mature of everything

Between age and mental maturity since I was young, I became a very mature woman. I am 41 years old. I consider that from the age of 40, maturity is reached in age, but in mentality, from the age of 20 I am very mature. Well, here we go, I´m looking for a stable relationship. I want to fall in love again.
Busco un chico trabajador
Arroyo de la Encomienda, Valladolid

I am looking for a working boy

I´m looking for a guy who likes to work, it´s not that he works for the sake of working, no, it´s because he likes it and is passionate about it, one of those who can´t stand still... I´m like that, I love working and I enjoy what I do, I´m passionate about it, let´s go. It´s because life seems precious to me and I think that helps everything. I am a very positive young girl with a lot of maturity. I am having a very sweet and beautiful moment in my life. Are you up to live it with me?
Soy cordobesa pero vivo en Alicante
España la Vieja, Alicante

I am from Córdoba but I live in Alicante

For work reasons I live in Alicante although I am from Córdoba. I have a lot of art and I love the guys who have me too. I get along very well and I am very nice and I hope to find someone like me. Right now a friendship and something sporadic because I don´t know if I will stay here forever

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