Chino, California

Although sometimes we say that we don´t need anyone but deep down we do need someone by our side. For now I am open to everything but a friendship is essential for everything in this life. Starting from the beginning is the most important thing... Houses never start from the roof...

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Busco hombre, mi marido no me hace ni caso esta todo el día fuera de casa y ya me he cansado
Ávila, Ávila

I am looking for a man

I have been married for a year but I see that my relationship is not going well, my husband does not pay any attention to me, he is away from home all day and I am already tired, I need a man who is in similar situations and who understands my relationship and we can exchange opinions I know it´s not normal but I´m fed up and I need advice that is outside of my relationship to get out of it as cleanly and quickly as possible, I don´t want to burden anyone with anything but I do need advice.
Estoy en Teruel
Teruel, Teruel

I am in Teruel

I´m temporarily doing a substitution at my job and I really hope it doesn´t last too long, in the meantime I´m just looking for a friend to have a drink, go out and have a good time and little else. I hope to be there for a short time because I need to always be close to my family and friends.
Yo no lo veo
Mutxamel, Alicante

I do not see it

I don´t understand or see well people who only play with other people, why? I don´t know but I have feelings and I just want something real and authentic like friendship or a relationship but real. I´m not going to play with anyone or laugh so I ask for the same. I am very friendly, I really like making plans and I am always there to help whoever needs me. I like to go on trips and take routes getting to know new places.
No necesito amor, necesito sexo
Moncada, Valencia

I don´t need love, I need sex

I leave love for the romantics, I am not one and I don´t remember ever being one. I´m quite the opposite and I find all that cheesy. I like having friends, having a good time, enjoying, you know, sex for sex´s sake without much else, I don´t like to give explanations and I really like sex, so why not enjoy it whenever you can.
Las cosas claras estoy casada
Bilbao, Vizcaya

Things are clear, I´m married

I like to be clear because my situation is that I am still married. At some point I will get divorced but this is not a reality and I hope that if you want to meet me for something sporadic that you take that into account. I always need discretion, a lot of it, and for it to be serious. I´m 36 years old, I´m a young woman, I know
Unas buenas risas mientras nos conocemos
Dénia, Alicante

A few good laughs while we get to know each other

I like to laugh and I joke whenever I can. I take life with humor although I am always there when someone needs me for good and bad. A positive mind and a smile at any given moment make anyone´s day improve significantly. Let yourself go and we´ll have a much better time.
Soltera pero discreta
Soria, Soria

Single but discreet

I´m single but I don´t like anyone knowing about my life unless I tell it. I am reserved, almost hermetic with the things I don´t want to tell. I am very empathetic and I always need a lot of love and affection because I am very sensitive and sentimental, but just as I need it, I also give it. I am a retailer and I like to make people smile.
Estoy casada necesito mucha discreccion
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

I am married I need a lot of discretion

If you are not going to know how to be discreet then this ad is not for you because I am a woman married to a man who many people know and I need a lot of discretion I cannot afford for my husband to discover me so please I need a man discreet and if he is married it is better if we are in the same situation and if or if he is interested in being discreet. It´s the first time I´ve done something like this so I´m probably a little more clumsy.
Creo que soy la rara de mis amigas
Pisa, Toscana

I think I´m the odd one out of my friends

I am the rare one of my friends, I think I can confirm it... Whenever they propose something, I don´t know if it is because we almost always do the same thing or because it seems to me that I have matured in that sense before them. The fact is that I am 22 years old and I feel like I need to meet new guys too and open myself up to what I miss coming up.
No me cuentes cuentos
Amurrio, Álava

Don´t tell me stories

I don´t like stories, and as they say, don´t tell stories to those who know stories hehe. If you want something serious, great, we´re cool and if not, you already know... because I want sincerity, I need someone who is always sincere and who gives me everything I need day by day with love, patience and affection, just like I will have with you. .

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