Viky , 57 years
Jaén, Jaén

I am looking for a normal guy. Affectionate and with values to share beautiful moments. Who likes to go out and have fun

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amistad y lo que surja, que hablemos de todos los temas
Ferrol, A Coruña

friendship and whatever arises, let´s talk about all the topics

I am not a vase woman, nor the typical one who is looking for sex. I like to have a relationship where the person is valued, where we talk about all the topics, we spend time together. Activity is what I lack the least and I am willing to share my free time with someone worthwhile... will you be that person I´m looking for?
Se que soy un número más
Alicante, Alicante

I know I´m just another number

Unfortunately I´m just another number for all the guys, but I need someone who doesn´t treat me like a number, rather who is their priority and values me and wants to love me for a long time. I am looking for a stable relationship. For me, men are important and I value them above all else.
Me quiero y me adoro
San Joan d´Alacant, Alicante

I love and adore myself

I anticipate that an earthquake is coming, I mean. My self-esteem is through the roof, no, the following... I love myself, I adore myself, and I already do everything nice that I can say to myself, but I´m eager for someone else to appreciate what a great person I am. I´m looking for a relationship and no, I don´t believe it, I just love myself a lot
Compartir hobbies
A Coruña, A Coruña

Share hobbies

I am looking to share hobbies and go out from time to time. One of my hobbies is dancing and the other is sex, and I would like to share both but especially the second one hehehe. I am a 25 year old girl who is very pretty for my taste and with an equally beautiful body.
Quiero conocer gente bonita
Ávila, Ávila

I want to meet beautiful people

I´m María and I want to meet pretty people, specifically pretty boys. I like real people with hardworking values and who have time for leisure. I always like guys with mental maturity and well, a little mature in age too.
Valoro mucho la amistad
Sevilla, Sevilla

I value friendship very much

I really value meeting a guy with whom we can have a friendship and then let ourselves be carried away by whatever may arise. I´ve been single for a couple of years and although it´s not bad, there are times when I feel like I need to be with a guy in a deeper way, something more serious. But hey, things happen and happen in their time and I want to make friends right now and enjoy together.
Las cosas siempre claras
Cales de Mallorca, Islas Baleares

Things always clear

I like that they don´t lie to me and that they are as clear as I am with others. I am looking for something more sporadic, a beautiful sincere friendship with someone who values my presence and makes me feel important, just as I will do the same with you. Always with sincerity and good words.
Busco quien me valore
Salou, Tarragona

I´m looking for someone who values me

I am a very sensitive girl, I am looking for someone who values me and always gives me my place. I am looking for a stable relationship and honestly I am not worth anything that happens in my life. I´m sure I will find love at some point but for now we have to see what can happen and what doesn´t.
Soy una mujer de primera
Villena, Valencia

I am a first class woman

It´s not because I consider myself more than anyone else, I´m just special and I consider myself a first-class woman, but not because I think I´m more than anyone else or anything like that. I am very very normal but with sky-high self-esteem because if I don´t value myself, who will value me?
He vuelto a nacer y lo quiero celebrar
Villacastín, Segovia

I have been born again and I want to celebrate it

I´m not looking for anything serious, I value life very much and that´s why I come to enjoy it with a guy who doesn´t want anything serious. I had a very serious accident and now I value everything much more and I only live in the present, because in the future who knows what will have happened...

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