Soria, Soria

I´m really looking for guys in Soria because I get really bored when I have to come for work, normally so I´m looking for some fun in contact with a man who makes the couple of days I´m there enjoyable and de-stressing, you know where I´m going. Oh, and if you take me somewhere to eat good torreznos, you can do it... Of course, I´ll invite you.

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No soy muy fiestera pero me amoldo a todo
Vitoria, Álava

I´m not much of a party person but I adapt to everything

I´m not a very party girl but I adapt and go out from time to time. I´m 28 years old, I have a good job and I´m going to become independent soon. I like to travel and what I do many weekends is that I take my parents´ motorhome and go... Sometimes I go alone although I like to go accompanied more than anything.
Nunca irá a malas te lo prometo
Mungia, Vizcaya

It will never go bad I promise you

I have a problem and that is that I am very direct when speaking, sometimes to the point that they say that I am rude or that I say things in the wrong way and I promise you that I never speak in a bad way nor will it be bad, what happens is that I am direct and on top of that my speaking expression most of the time it is serious but when you get to know me you will realize that it is not like that. I am open to everything that arises on this wonderful page
De buena a veces llego a tonta
Vitoria, Álava

From good sometimes I become stupid

I´m very stupid, I trust everyone less and less now, but it´s still hard for me to mistrust people at first. I´m looking to meet real people with friendship and good moments of laughing and having a good time. I am a simple girl without malice and I don´t have a bad temper either, although I should have it sometimes and I´m sure I would do better than I do.
En la definición de culo inquieto
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

In the definition of restless ass

Really, I don´t stop only when I go to sleep. I like to make a lot of plans and if I don´t have any, I take the opportunity to reconnoiter the house, clean it again or whatever. You will rarely see me lying on the couch one afternoon just watching TV because I even watch movies doing things at home. Sometimes I think that it would be good for me to find someone to slow me down but then I think that I might get bored...
Me encanta la comida
Salamanca, Salamanca

I love food

Oh my goodness, you´re going to call me a glutton or whatever you want, but I enjoy eating, and if it´s junk food, even more so. Sometimes I get scared because I have no bottom, but I do have a great body that I can´t even believe because on top of that I´m skinny and with pretty curves. The trick is also to do a little bit of exercise and try to compensate, although depending on how I don´t know to what extent. makes up for it hahaha.
A veces nos cuesta encontrar lo que buscamos
Valladolid, Valladolid

Sometimes it is difficult for us to find what we are looking for

Sometimes it is difficult for us to find what we are looking for, to know that person or those people. Things are a little bad for me in the field of consumerist love... In all of that things are going terribly for me and now that you want me to tell you, I am ready for everything that arises at any moment, feeling like a desired woman, dearly loved, or everything at the same time. I´m 26 years old and I´m too young to be like this hahaha it seems like I´m having one of those existential crises but I´m not like that hahaha.
Enamorada del mundo Disney
Tarragona, Tarragona

In love with the Disney world

I love and am passionate about the world of Disney. I love going to Disney and I always go once a year, I love it and I go at different times. I have even gone alone on a couple of occasions although I always go with someone but I know a lot of people there and have good friends. I am romantic and I am looking for love
Si nos hablamos igual nos entendemos
Valladolid, Valladolid

If we talk to each other the same we understand each other

I´m really looking for someone who understands me and knows that I´m for real. I like to go hiking, sometimes even alone, although I would like to go in company of course. I have always led a very normal life but sometimes fairly interesting things have happened to me and I also have some anecdotes to tell.
Voy a por todas
Sevilla, Sevilla

I´m going for everything

Going all out is going all out. I´m looking for something more stable at the moment, I feel like it, but since I´m going for everything, I´m going for everything and everyone. I seek to know slowly but without pause, I don´t like to go too slow either since that really gets boring, let´s even get bored. I´m in that phase where I want everything but I want it well, do you understand me? Sometimes it´s hard for me to understand even myself, so I tell you everything.
Mi destino favorito para desconectar
Cales de Mallorca, Islas Baleares

My favorite destination to disconnect

I´m actually from Barcelona but having a little house here allows me to get away every now and then to disconnect and think about my things. Sometimes I come with friends, other times I come with family and occasionally I have come alone so I look to meet an interesting guy when I come alone. I´m far from looking for a relationship since I have my life in Barcelona, but hey, a good friendship and having a good time from time to time, you understand me, well, I do feel like it he he he he he he he

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