Gratis, Ohio

I am 19 years old, I am a shy girl but I am not looking for anything serious, I am looking for a friendship with the possibility of having a good time and enjoying myself. My shyness is something temporary, I mean it is something that as time goes by it goes away on its own and I let go and forget that I am shy hehehe

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Busco amistad, esto no tiene precio
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

I am looking for friendship

I am a 26-year-old girl who is looking for a relationship with a young man of 18 or 19 years old. I like men who are generally attractive and have a sense of humor, but what I like most is the curiosity and strength of youth, this has no price, youth divine treasure, my grandmother said, she had a boyfriend 20 years younger. I am looking for friendship.
Soy una nena de 18 años
Crevillent, Alicante

I am an 18 year old girl

I´m 18 years old, I´m an 18-year-old girl, I´m looking forward to meeting guys for sporadic sex, I don´t feel like falling in love, I just want to meet new guys who are older than me to enjoy. First time and I hope it´s not the last, I´m in one of these places because I´m quite morbid.
Busco una relación de pareja, soy muy tímida y no me gusta tener rollos
Gandia, Valencia

I am looking for a relationship

Although I am 19 years old, I am really looking for love, I am mature enough to know what I want. I´m very shy and I don´t like having trouble, I don´t like having something and bye-bye, very good. I had a relationship for 2 years, yes we started very young and the truth is I had the thought that it would be for life.
Soy muy detallista
Tarragona, Tarragona

I am very detail-oriented

I am a girl who pays attention to both material and sentimental details. I like to take care of my surroundings and surprise why not because Mr. wants to and I want to. I am looking for a stable relationship, something wonderful but simple. I´m 26 years old, they say I´m young to have a partner and think about the future, but I think otherwise.
Primera experiencia en un chat
Valencia, Valencia

First experience in a chat

I am Aura, I am 19 years old, I am a young girl who wants to live to the fullest. I sometimes go out to party but I´m not motivated to meet guys like that or I haven´t found my special person because I don´t usually like them very much. I think it´s because of the environment where I meet them. Well, it´s my first experience in a chat and I´m going to take advantage of it.
Antes de nada tengo una niña
Segovia, Segovia

First of all I have a girl

I like to make things clear and I am the mother of a one-year-old daughter, I am a single mother and well I have a lot of help from my parents so that I can work and also go out from time to time. I´m looking for something stable but I´m not looking for responsibilities of any kind. I am 26 years old, I am young but very mature. I live with my parents by my own decision because I have my own house but I rented it to a friend and partner a month ago.
Hacerse mayor es un rollo
Teruel, Teruel

Getting older is a pain

I´m Gia, I´m 19 years old and I´m looking for something more sporadic. Getting older is an absolute pain and although I am very mature it bothers me that time passes so quickly. I´m afraid of falling in love, it´s panic that I feel thinking about it and at the moment I just want to be with someone cool and extend my "adolescence" a little longer even though I know that I´m no longer a teenager.
Disfrutar y ya está
Zamora, Zamora

Enjoy and that´s it

I´m 21 years old, I´m not looking for anything specific, I want to enjoy my life being single, the truth is that I´ve only had one boyfriend and well, we were together for 2 years, whatever, it´s not time, I feel so young. I became independent when I was 19 and I´m still there. I am a hairdresser and beautician and I am happy with what I have and what I am.
Soy jovencita no quiero nada serio
Chico, California

I´m young, I don´t want anything serious.

I´m 21 years old, I´m very young, I know, and I like more mature men, but I don´t have to be retired. Understand that I´m mature. For me, it´s a man who´s 35/40 years old, no more than that age, but in reality, from 25 onwards, they´re worth it to me. He is between 22 and 24, so I accept it, and everything would be clear... It´s just because I like them with a certain mental maturity, even if it´s for something sporadic.
amistad y lo que surja, hola, tengo coche
Valencia, Carabobo

friendship and whatever comes next

Hello, I´m looking to meet people in Valencia, I´ve come to live with my aunt for a while and I would like to not have to be locked up without doing things. I have a car, I am mature, without a partner, at the moment I am collecting unemployment and taking a year off and seeing what direction I give to my life. Can anyone guide me?

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