Castilblanco de los Arroyos, Sevilla

Here I am letting myself fall right now hehe because it was not my intention to end up on a dating site at least for now but listen to fate which is capricious and Fabiola said register and here I am, single letting myself fall for whatever arises. Fate how wise it is hehehe

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Y quien tenga miedo a morir que no nazca....
Zaragoza, Zaragoza

And whoever is afraid of dying may not be born...

My motto is live and let live and above all don´t be left wanting for anything. I have done bungee jumping, free fall, climbing and skydiving... Well, I´ll tell you more, I like to live life to the fullest and as I always say, whoever is afraid of dying should not be born. I am open to whatever arises but I would like to meet an adventurer like me
amistad y lo que surja, lo dejo caer para el que me quiera conquistar
Zaldibar, Vizcaya

friendship and whatever arises, I let it fall for whoever wants to conquer me

Hello, hello, my friends call me Nati, I am a mature, divorced lady looking forward to finding someone who can bring new things to my life. Self-employed, I have a real estate business (I travel a lot for work reasons) good food and good wine is one of the things I like the most... I let it slip for whoever wants to win me over.
amistad y lo que surja, que quien dice que el tamaño no importa
Monóvar/Monòver, Alicante

friendship and whatever arises, whoever says that size does not matter

how are you? I´m looking for mature ones and if they are well endowed, the better (those who say that size doesn´t matter, I´m already telling you that it does and the thickness of it too... haha it´s not that I´m going to measure it for you, but I need something that leaves me very satisfied. I´ll drop it and you´ll see if you´re what I need. Don´t be late, I´m getting cold.
amistad y lo que surja, estoy soltera y con ganas de caer en la tentación
Avilés, Asturias

friendship and whatever comes next

I am single and want to fall into temptation... I am looking for a man who motivates me, I am 39 years old, I love sports, dancing, the mountains, Celtic music, ballads, good food, accompanied by the best wine... I lack the company... if you feel like seducing me, I´ll let you do it... as long as you´re my vibe.
amistad y lo que surja, los monólogos
Vitoria, Álava

friendship and whatever arises, the monologues

Anyone who wants to flirt with a mature woman? I´ve almost forgotten it and I need a little help. This is like riding a bike, when you pedal you pick up the rhythm... I like comedy, monologues, theater... a good conversation accompanied by a drink and the right person... I let it fall, haha.
amistad y lo que surja, que busco algún amiguito especial al que seducir
Altea, Alicante

friendship and whatever arises, I´m looking for a special friend to seduce

I am a seductive mature woman, who is looking for a special friend to seduce, and who falls into my networks... I like games, seduction, going little by little, adding spark, spice and incentives... I leave it to your imagination what It comes to mind... when we talk, we´ll see if we agree and are made for each other.
amistad y lo que surja, salir a tomar algo
Valladolid, Valladolid

friendship and whatever arises, going out for a drink

I´m looking for a man to meet, go out for a drink, exchange opinions and have a good time. I´m 38 years old, I left him with my partner two months ago, I don´t have children, I live in Llorente, I work in the world of cosmetics and if we like each other, we share numbers and have a first date.
amistad y lo que surja, intentes sorprenderme y ser diferente al resto
Ávila, Ávila

friendship and whatever arises, try to surprise me and be different from the rest

I don´t like easy contacts, men who fall for you with a single word... I like the game, a give and take. When I see that someone or something is simple, I give up... I leave you clues, so that when it comes to seducing me, you try to surprise me and be different from the rest. Do you think you have something different from others?
Busco chicos activos sexualmente
Barakaldo, Vizcaya

I´m looking for sexually active guys

My last partner left me in a bad way and now I don´t want to know anything about men on an emotional level. I only want men who are very sexually active who like to enjoy themselves and who like to try new things together. I like them either my age or older, but if there is a guy a little younger than me that I like physically and who is also nice, I wouldn´t mind meeting him to have something sporadic. Please, serious guys, don´t leave me stranded when I meet up, thank you.
amistad y lo que surja, no soy mucho de chats
Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

friendship and whatever arises, I´m not much of a chat

Let´s see if I can find my man, that gentleman who will buy me a drink, who will open the car door for me, who will say nice things to me and who will treat me like a queen. That´s what I want, another thing is that I find it, but I let it fall... I´m not much of a chatter... if we get along, we pass the phone numbers... and onwards-

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