Vitoria, Álava

Many get angry, they get angry, it makes them feel bad that I am the way I am and I can´t do anything to them, I am the way I am and I will continue like this until the day I leave this world hehe, what are we going to do right now, I like being tough rather than soft, because who? he wants to stay he really stays

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Quiero algo que dure para siempre
Albacete, Albacete

I want something that lasts forever

I am open to finding love once and for all. I am fed up with being only wanted for something sporadic. I no longer want that because if I want pleasure, I am alone without any problem. If you want to meet me for something more serious, I´m sure I´d be delighted to meet you, if not, don´t waste time with me. Kisses.
Busco amistad, una amistad que dure y fiel
Valladolid, Valladolid

I am looking for friendship, a friendship that lasts and faithful

I´m looking for healthy and lasting relationships, I´m starting to get tired of friends who are friends only out of interest and don´t last at all, they end when they get what they want, it´s sad and I´m over it, I detect them with their tongue and today Nowadays, everything is like this. I am looking for friendship, a friendship that lasts and is faithful.
Muy fuerte y muy dura
Segovia, Segovia

Very strong and very hard

Is it because life has made me this way or is it because I don´t know how to be any other way. The fact is that I am very strong and very tough. I don´t trust many people so whoever gets my trust should be grateful because those things don´t always happen. I need someone who will deal with whatever arises but if it is a stable relationship it would be the most ideal
Busco pareja por aquí
Albacete, Albacete

I´m looking for a partner here

I´m here because I´m looking for a partner, I´m not one for going out and I´m not one for interacting with new guys just because, it´s hard for me to be in a bar and approach a guy like that right off the bat. I don´t do well in relationships with guys with that "hard face" of getting involved and talking, which I know isn´t a bad thing, but the rejection hurts my face. Sometimes I think that it is the fault of my self-esteem that I must have it low although I love myself very much but I always think that I am not enough for others.
Feliz y que dure
Rubio (El), Sevilla

Happy and long may it last

I am in a very good stage of my life, very happy that I am. I am very delighted with my job and everything else. I am open to meeting a boy who wants to have a stable relationship. I am 30 years old and I want to continue being very, very happy and also very happy in a relationship, which is the only thing I need.
Estoy soltera espero que me dure poco
Ávila, Ávila

I´m single I hope it doesn´t last long

I don´t really like being single and I hope not to be single for a long time. I´m looking for love, I tried to trick myself into thinking that it could be fun to have a relationship but then I understand and see that it´s not what I want and I go back to looking for love. I hope to finally find my man once and for all.
Demasiado dura
Salamanca, Salamanca

Too hard

I have very hard feelings, with the help of hosts I have turned to stone and now it is difficult for me to fall in love and believe in love. I am here right now to meet guys and let something happen, it will surely be something sporadic but I still manage to get someone to notice me in a different way and I notice myself too and manage to break my shell.
Se me hace duro estar soltera
Totana, Salamanca

It´s hard for me to be single

It is quite hard for me to be single. I don´t like the feeling. Sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking that I will be alone. I know that I am not alone nor will I ever be, but it is very cold to come home and be alone without anyone receiving you or waiting for your partner to arrive and receiving them yourself. Some will understand me and others will say that I am very lucky.
No creo en segundas oportunidades
Valencia, Valencia

I don´t believe in second chances

I´m not a second chance, they say I´m very tough but whoever does it to me, loses me forever because forgiving certain things is throwing oneself off the cliff and that´s not right, you have to be good but never stupid. I am open to whatever arises and call me tough but I prefer that a thousand times over being taken for what I am not and laughed at.
Me encantaría tener algo estable
Villares de la Reina, Salamanca

I would love to have something stable

I would love to be able to say that I have a stable relationship that I have achieved and that it lasts for me. The last 3 guys I have tried to have a relationship with in the last time have been a total scam and if I say scam because that is what it has been. I would like someone seriously honest who would like to know me for what I am and how I am... And if you don´t want anything, please tell me too.

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