Oviedo, Asturias

I´m one of those who don´t like to pretend something I´m not. My life is good, but it is monotonous, I live the way I want because I am 26 years old, I have no children and I live with my parents. I come from a good family economically and in terms of family as well, but I do not paint a reality that is not mine. I´m happy but I need a stable relationship, my love life has been a disaster until now, nothing pretty... and I want to change it.

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Síntoma de enamoramiento?
Rojales, Alicante

Symptom of falling in love?

I would love to find a guy who wasn´t afraid to fall in love and even show those first signs of falling in love. I like the courtship from before, it seems so beautiful and romantic that I would like to experience something like that and not get lost... I am not one of those who force situations, I let it flow and whatever has to happen happens.
Pasaba por aquí ...
El Ejido, Almería

He passed through here ...

I was just passing by here and by a miracle I registered... I was looking online for a place to rent to celebrate a party and in the end I don´t know how but I ended up registering here to have a stable relationship because the truth is that´s what I want in my life in these beautiful moments that I am living
Amor solo
Segovia, Segovia

Only love

Hello, my name is Raquel and I am only looking for love. Such a beautiful word and at the same time it is so complex... I have been single for some time and I am very envious when I see couples so in love and loving each other so much that it makes me very envious although it seems super cute at the same time and I want the same thing.
No me gusta lo vulgar
Ávila, Ávila

I don´t like vulgar

I hate vulgar men or women, those who speak so badly, ugh, I seriously can´t handle those people, I have always spoken great, always correct, and nothing in the world will change that. I am looking for a correct man, if possible a stable relationship and if not a nice friendship, but he has to be very correct in speaking and behaving.
Me gustaría formar una bella familia
Ólvega, Soria

I would like to start a beautiful family

I envy my friends who have already gotten married and have children or are pregnant. It gives me a lot of healthy envy, but that´s because I would like it too. I am 28 years old, I am young and I have a life ahead of me but I would like to have that beautiful stability that little by little all my friends are also having but I am not lucky in love, at least for the moment.
Me encantaría volver a creer en el amor
Castrillón, Asturias

I would love to believe in love again

Love is so beautiful but so harmful... I would like to find love again and believe that it exists and that it is not harmful. I'm in it because I really want to fall in love, I want to be in a relationship again, but I have to find someone who makes me believe again in the beautiful part of love.
Quiero un hasta que la muerte nos separe
Carmena, Toledo

I want a until death do us part

I recognize that I am in love with life and I am looking for a until death do us part, I am looking for a love for life. I would like to get married in white with all my loved ones... It´s so beautiful.... But let´s go from the beginning hehe, first you have to find true love
Mi cuerpo me encanta
Reus, Tarragona

I love my body

Maybe my body is not to everyone´s liking but I love my body, it is so beautiful with its curves that I fall in love with seeing myself. I love myself very much and I am open to everything although now I prefer just a friendship but you never know
Estar enamorad@ no es tan bonito como se pinta
España la Vieja, Alicante

Being in love is not as beautiful as it seems

I just got out of a completely shitty relationship... I was super in love and they broke my heart... Being in a state of love is not as beautiful as it is painted, in reality it is a real piece of shit... I am looking for something more sporadic I don´t want commitments of any kind
La vida va muy rápido? O es mi sensación?!
Ávila, Ávila

Does life go too fast? Or is it my feeling?!

I have the feeling that life goes too fast, the years are passing me by and my thought was always to find a partner soon because I have always believed in the true computer, that beautiful love, also in forming a beautiful family... I don´t know maybe everything I had that so idealized... And now I´m 28 years old and single and I feel like my best loves are passing away...

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