Mari Pili
Cáceres, Cáceres

My name is Sofia. I want to try anal sex, I´m a virgin! I´m alone in the apartment... today I´m really looking forward to it. I like being spanked on the ass while I sit on top of you? Come with me, I live alone and remember that I´m looking for free sex. I´m totally waiting for you, a kiss, call me. I don´t want commitments, jealousy, stories like that. I´m a free and independent woman and I just want a friend with the right to touch. I am an elegant and feminine woman, I like sex and having a good time, I want to know you and for you to know me and if we like each other we can sleep, I am not looking for a serious relationship, just friendship with the right to touch, so if you are interested, call me.

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amistad y lo que surja, pero sin derecho
Almería, Almería

friendship and whatever arises, but without right

Hello, I´m looking for a friend with benefits... that friend has to contribute many things to me, since we all contribute sex. If you don´t get along, nothing happens, I will have another friend, but without right. To find out, the only way there is is to go out, have a drink and see where destiny brings us.
Ligar y ligar y volver a ligar
Alicante, Alicante

Flirt and flirt and flirt again

Hello, I´m Patri, I´m 40 years old, I have 2 children and I´m divorced. I´m not looking for anything stable, I just want to flirt a little, boost my morale and have some interesting friends-with-benefits date and that´s it. I leave love for the young people hehehe, I am already a mature woman who just wants to have a good time and enjoy a little.
Mucho sexo y dejarnos de tonterías
Albacete, Albacete

Lots of sex and stop fooling around

Why talk nonsense and be in a bad mood about everything, when you can have a great time living a crazy life and enjoying yourself. I´m looking for friends with the right to touch, nothing serious, nothing out of this world, just a little sex to enjoy and that´s it, it´s two days... I don´t want to fall in love, I don´t want to suffer.
De que sirve discutir?
Avilés, Asturias

What´s the point of arguing?

I have been married for many years of my life, too many, I would say, there is no point in arguing, so I am not looking to argue with anyone. Besides, at 45 years old, I already think that with a friendship with the right to friction I could settle for it, but everything has to be seen and gotten to know each other. .. I´m just clear that I don´t want arguments.
No soy guarra, hago lo que quiero con mi vida
Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

I´m not a slut, I do what I want with my life

Since I have come of age I have done what I want with my life and I have never felt so judged as since I broke up with my last partner. Now I like to enjoy life and I´m only looking for friends and the right to some sex and that´s why bad tongues call me a slut, which I´m not, but thank goodness criticism doesn´t affect me much.
Busco compañía masculina
Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

I am looking for male company

I´m Greta, I´m 26 years old, I´m just looking for a male company, I don´t want to have a partner, I want to have a great time, I want to have a friend with benefits to have some sex and maybe have a few drinks. I am looking for complicity with a boy in all aspects. I don´t want anyone to be confused with love because I don´t want it and I´m clear about it.
De ropa interior? Solo tanga
Segovia, Segovia

Of underwear? Only thong

I´m Azucena and I´m very morbid. I am addicted to buying underwear, I love thongs and I have more than 500, I easily like them in all colors, shapes, styles and I fall in love with them. I get a big kick out of seeing underwear and trying it on when it arrives. I want a good boy who is also a good fucker but who is also a good friend and I am also looking for a good friend who listens to you and gives you advice.
Tengo ganas de no tener nada serio
Alicante, Alicante

I feel like not having anything serious

Until recently I was in a relationship, which now that I´m single I don´t feel like being in anything at all. In fact, I want to take advantage of it to have time just for myself and if a friend with benefits comes out, then all the better. Right now I have the idea of talking to someone, having something to laugh, not worrying about what they will say and my sentimental feelings.
No quiero nada serio, algo sencillo sin compromiso
Teruel, Teruel

I don´t want anything serious, something simple without commitment

Hello everyone, I am separated, I am 35 years old and I do not want to rebuild my life. I am comfortable single but I miss going out from time to time when my children are with their father and going out for a drink and dinner without rushing... a friend with benefits if we feel like it and if not then just friends. Something simple without commitment.
Yo solo busco una relación estable

I´m just looking for a stable relationship

Hello, my name is Carlota, I am a forty-year-old woman, I do not have children and I do not want to have them either. I am looking for a stable relationship with a man older than me and who is clear that I do not want to have children, I decided many years ago by my own decision and I am sticking to it. I don´t have any fertility problems or anything like that, I just decided that I didn´t want to have children and that´s it. I have many nephews whom I love, adore and love and I also have friends who have children and I love them dearly but I don´t want to have my own. So if you are clear that you don´t want to be a father either, I would be delighted to meet you to see if we can have a stable relationship.

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