Lebrija, Sevilla

At least one guy about 5 years older than me, I´m looking for a partner, I´m 26 years old and I want someone mature. I don´t want kids with childish mentality. I need a stable and healthy relationship. I am not a girl of sporadic relationships. If you are interested in meeting a girl like me, I am really waiting for you.

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No a todos los hombres les gustan maduras
Vitoria, Álava

Not all men like mature women

The truth is that I look for mature guys but nowadays it seems that we are elderly because only young girls want them and well, at 45 years old I don´t consider myself a young girl, I am a mature woman, I do take care of myself and I don´t look like it but my age is what it is and I don´t hide it
Me estoy volviendo loca?
Tarragona, Tarragona

I am going crazy?

Do you think I´m going crazy for looking for a relationship these days? I see that fewer and fewer people are looking for love and they call me crazy for doing so, I´m also 24 years old and well I´m young but love doesn´t understand age or anything, I´m one of those who doesn´t really like being on the move. Rather, it makes me uncomfortable sometimes to meet guys just for that because I feel like I use them and I don´t like them.
Madurita pero con alma de jovencita
Zamora, Zamora

Mature but with the soul of a young girl

I am a 45-year-old mature woman but my soul is that of a 30-year-old girl hahaha, in reality I feel young but my mentality is that of a 45-year-old woman who really wants to continue enjoying life. Fun and with more energy than 5 out of 20. I work, I take care of my house, my children and on top of that I have time to meet up, will the next one I meet with be you?
Soy una mujer madura NO quiero jovencitos
Zamora, Zamora

I am a mature woman I do NOT want young men

Minimum age 43 years. Hello everyone, my name is Amparo and I am 43 years old, I am already a mature woman who does not mess around. I´m not really looking for love but I´m divorced so if that person came along I wouldn´t say no. I would like to make new friends with mature men and have some fun too. I feel very young but I am aware of my age. I also have children and I am not going to go with anyone who might seem that way.
Te gustan las maduritas?
Tarragona, Tarragona

Do you like mature women?

Are you one of those who like mature women or are you more attracted to a young girl? If you are mature from 40 to 59 and prefer those your age over young girls, please let´s get to know each other and whatever arises. You will not regret the choice
Antes de nada tengo una niña
Segovia, Segovia

First of all I have a girl

I like to make things clear and I am the mother of a one-year-old daughter, I am a single mother and well I have a lot of help from my parents so that I can work and also go out from time to time. I´m looking for something stable but I´m not looking for responsibilities of any kind. I am 26 years old, I am young but very mature. I live with my parents by my own decision because I have my own house but I rented it to a friend and partner a month ago.
No soy súperwoman pero lo intento
Montblanc, Tarragona

I´m not superwoman but I try

I´m a restless ass and I like to get to everything, I try to be a kind of superwoman but without a cape hehe. I´m here because I´m one of those who likes to meet people in different ways and I´ve never tried this before. I am 28 years old, I am a young woman and I am looking for young people my age or older or more mature as well.
Soy una pillina lo reconozco
Zamora, Zamora

I´m a scamp, I admit it.

I´m a naughty girl, I like to be that naughty about being seductive and sometimes acting a little too interesting. I am 23 years old, a very young girl, but be careful, I will never play with your heart or your feelings. For me those things are always sacred. I´m only open to friendship and sex too.
Soy madura, quieres conocerme?
Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

I am mature, do you want to know me?

I don´t like young men, I like them mature people, but I know that mature men do like young women. I don´t have a clear idea if I´m looking for sex, love, just friendship... I don´t know what I´m really looking for, although the best thing to do is to let go and enjoy the moment.
María del Mar
Me apetece probar un jovencito
Teruel, Teruel

I would like to try a young man

María del Mar called me and I would like to try a good young man, a young man of about 30 to 35. I am 42 years old but I have always been with older men, in fact my ex-husband is 48 years old. I´m looking for a sporadic relationship, nothing serious or less than 30 years.

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